Do you want to dress stylishly every day?

    Luckily for you, we’ve rounded up the top 15 style tips from Darren Yaw’s wife, Ariana. She and her husband Darren are a very fashionable duo and she is a powerhouse behind the GCG brand. She spoke to us recently from the GCG Malaysia office.

    So, keep reading this article to improve your fashion style.


    Darren Yaw’s Wife Ariana’s Personal Style

    Darren Yaw is the fashion designer of the brand Fashion Brand GCG. Darren Yaw’s wife Ariana is equally stylish and is a fashion guru in her own right. Ariana Yaw’s personal style is eclectic and fresh, and her favourite fashion destinations are Indonesia and Singapore.

    While they may seem small and simple, Darren Yaw wife’s tips will revolutionise the way you dress daily. Let’s dive in!


    1.Organise your closet

    When it comes to dressing elegantly, organising your closet is a must. First, declutter your wardrobe and donate or sell anything that you don’t wear. Then, place the remaining items neatly into categories. Keep in mind that your closet must have all the original go-to outfits for every season. In the end, your wardrobe will feel much more inspiring, and you can nix those “nothing to wear” moments.

    2.Shop in the right stores

    According to Darren Yaw’s wife Ariana, our outfit says a lot about who we are. So it must be appropriate for your age, status, and peculiarities of your body. Analyse shopping malls and 6-7 clothing stores near you. And, pay attention to their target audience, their best cuts, and designs that work for you. It will save your time and energy as you wouldn’t have to look for that perfect item in every clothing store.

    3.Balance your top and bottom

    Darren Yaw’s wife recommended planning outfits where the top and bottom complement each other. If you wear loose shirts, try those with tight pants. And, if you are wearing wide-leg pants or a full skirt, consider partnering it with a fitted or cropped top.


    4.Combine basic items with the latest trends

    As stated by Darren Yaw’s wife, timeless basics are her wardrobe-essentials. Simple cuts never go out of fashion. So, think about making basics 70% of your wardrobe, while the other 30% are trendy pieces. Darren Yaw’s wife thinks adding trends to your basics is a great way to keep your wardrobe stylish, modern, and bold. Hence, add 2-3 new trendy pieces every season to make your outfits look up-to-date.

    5.Mix different styles with a sporty look

    In the opinion of Darren Yaw’s wife, the aesthetic look comes from a tasteful mixture of different styles, a contrast of colours, and varieties of fabrics. Safari, military, and navy-inspired details will add an aesthetic flair to your outfit. Sporty details make you look young, dynamic, and full of positive energy.

    6.Combine casual with formal

    One of the most popular trends among fashionistas like Darren Yaw’s wife is to combine formal outfits with casual. Wear your gorgeous rhinestone earrings or party shoes with ripped jeans and a T-shirt.

    7.Mix patterns

    According to Darren Yaw’s wife, mixing patterns is an excellent way to add some fun to your wardrobe. It’s time for you to be bold and embrace checks, stripes, florals, and more. You have to be sure that your patterns complement rather than clash. For this, try choosing one focal design and accenting your outfit with another.

    8.Wear 100% of your colours close to your face

    Wearing a colour that does not suit you close to your face can accentuate skin imperfections. The colour of your purse or heels doesn’t have as much importance as the colour of the accessories you wear close to your face. According to Ariana, Darren Yaw’s wife, you must not forget to stick to your colours every time, even if they’re bright.

    9. Show just the right amount of skin

    Showing just the right amount of skin is perfect to create an elegant look. Darren Yaw’s wife Ariana recommended showing off just one part of the body. If your best feature is your legs, you can go for a high-neck mini dress. If you want to show off your cleavage, go for a deep-V design full-length outfit. When in doubt, try revealing less.


    10. Learn how to layer

    Layering can take an outfit from plain to perfect. As Ariana, Darren Yaw’s wife, says learning how to layer is worth a shot to look stunning. Wear a white crew-neck T-shirt under a satin slip dress or a trench coat with a mini-skirt over the top. It can be incredibly stylish.

    11. Use unexpected colour combinations

    Colour is the first thing people notice about your outfit. Darren Yaw’s wife Ariana suggested that using unexpected colour combinations is the best way to change your style without spending too much money. Notice how mother nature combines colours? Those are always the best combos.

    12. Distracting attention

    Sometimes to draw attention away from your body’s imperfections and accentuate your best features, Darren Yaw’s wife Ariana advised to shift the emphasis. A bright print on your pants or a skirt will draw attention to your hips and distract from the not-so-thin waist. Rhinestone earrings will drive attention to your pretty face and distract from heavy hips.

    13. Wear jackets

    Jackets effortlessly make the whole ensemble look more expensive and stylish. A nice jacket combined with a pair of jeans and a T-shirt will make you look chic and elegant. According to Darren Yaw’s wife, Ariana the best way to wear jackets is to roll up the sleeves and add a couple of bracelets.

    14. Add details

    Often, it’s the details that make your ensemble look complete, sophisticated, and stylish. Details include jewellery, footwear, prints, buttons, and various embellishments. By adding the right pair of shoes, jewellery, and a purse, you can make the most boring one-colour dress look gorgeous.

    15. Do not forget to accessorise

    Whether it is something simple like a belt or lashings of necklaces, accessories have the power to make your outfit sophisticated. Following Darren Yaw’s wife’s Ariana’s stylish shoes or hats and jewellery are the essential items for a fashionable finishing touch.

    Whether you are headed to work, out for drinks, or even to date, these recommendations from Darren Yaw’s wife are sure to see you looking fashionable and fabulous. We hope you found this article helpful.


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