Becoming a successful fashion brand and mogul in the business world requires having established goals but most important of all a positive mindset. Darren Yaw established GCG the fashion brand with hard work and dedication and it wasn’t until expansion into Cambodia that Darren Yaw Singapore became full-fledged success.

    Here are Darren Yaw’s top tips on maintaining a positive mindset and how it has contributed to his success in fashion in Malaysia, Singapore and Cambodia.

    Let’s hear from Darren Yaw himself on how he made Darren Yaw Singapore a success through a difficult period in the fashion designer’s life. Darren Yaw Singapore today after a few short years is a well-established brand in Singapore with two boutiques and more on the way. Darren Yaw Singaporealso has plans to expand the company with home furnishings and a children’s line produced in Cambodia and exported to the region.

    Without further delay, let’s here from Darren Yaw himself on how he made Darren Yaw Singapore happen:
    It is very easy to despair especially when starting a new business. Why? Well it is like stating the obvious. When you first decide to start a new business endeavour and launch your idea, it can be a legit scary time. However, the best thing you can do is try to feed your entrepreneurial urge than completely ignore it and regret it later.
    Why do I say this? You lose nothing by giving your endeavour a shot. When I first began Darren Yaw Fashion and GCG in Malaysia, I was completely terrified. In fact, my wife was such a rock in aiding my career growth. There were times when I literally hit rock bottom initially when I started my business however, my wife was always there to remind me that I had to stay positive and maintain a healthy mindset. This is because if you are not in a healthy state of mind then you can not be fit enough to build an empire.
    Embarking on my career as a fashion designer with the brand GCG and venturing into places like Cambodia and establishing Darren Yaw Singapore has been an adventure. Looking back I now realise that if I had let certain fears and naysayers conquer my mind I would never have established the Darren Yaw in Cambodia and Malaysia in the first place which would never have led to my establishments in Singapore.

    Here are some of the ways that have contributed to managing my mental health and maintaining a positive mindset while establishing Darren Yaw Singapore which was a very difficult time in my life.



    I cannot stress enough the importance of believing in your ideas and yourself. You have to realise that your inner being is a projection to the world therefore if you think negatively about yourself, that is what the world will view you as yet if you are filled with confidence, you radiate that energy and it does not matter what you say; as long as you believe it everyone else will believe in you. When I opened Darren Yaw Singapore, I did not let the opinions of others degrade the value of my goals and ideas nor sway me. Once you have mastered your inner being and are confident in yourself you become unstoppable.



    Countless times I mention that beginning a business endeavour is usually one of the hardest things because of the risk involved and the doubts that can constantly fill your head. When I first began Darren Yaw Singapore, each and every decision I made was by trusting my gut. This does not mean I never seeked advice but in fact it is the total opposite. I would seek advice from books, family or friends but at the end of the day I was reminded that I was the one taking the risk and the final decision was always up to me. It had to be. Why? This is because I knew the personal goals I had set for myself and in order for them to come into fruition I had to believe in myself , believe that the choices I made were the right ones and trust my gut. I also learnt that you cannot please everyone so it is best when the business decisions are left to you.


    Darren Yaw Singapore fashion 2021 Fall/Winter collection

    Darren Yaw Singapore fashion 2021 Fall/Winter collection



    From earlier on, I realised that if I allowed myself to break down, Darren Yaw Fashion Designer and Darren Yaw Singapore, Malaysia and GCG in Cambodia wouldn’t exist. It is easy for you to think your enterprise will crumble when you make your first mistakes why? Because it actually can, however, looking for solutions I have found is more helpful than focusing on the problem.

    I also realised that even if one of Darren Yaw Singapore employees made a mistake, time condemning them would be time wasted. It is always a good thing to look at things from a new perspective and if one of your employees makes an error, first, you have to remember that they are a human being and secondly, what is the probability of that mistake occurring again and how can you work with your team to avoid certain errors. Another instance would be chucking up losses. This can be quite hard because this is what builds or breaks an entrepreneur especially in the early stages of establishing a business like Darren Yaw Singapore. One important thing you have to understand is that you can’t win them all but at the same time you also cannot let it break you because it will eventually reflect on your business. The truth is you will always face hiccups as an entrepreneur but you have to remember what matters is how you react, not the problem in itself.



    We live in a modern world where technology as well as the market amongst many other things are evolving at a fast pace. For the success of your business, you have to keep up with the latest news in order for your business to stay relevant and thrive through these changing times. Personally, change has never been a happy event for me yet it was something that I had to learn to live with. Over the years I adjusted by default. Every time I was scared of change I would go back to the formation of Darren Yaw Singapore and think of how much change I wanted to make then. My secret is relating it to your life goals and in that way, you will not only view it as change but also see the bigger picture.



    There were a few times I was ready to give up when I first began Darren Yaw Singapore. In fact I am still amazed that I have established great business allies and connections in both Singapore and Malaysia. One of my lowest points was when I made my success in Darren Yaw Singapore. Contrary to what many may think, this was the taste of true success in terms of the good and the bad. At that point in time, the fleeting happiness of making my first success as Darren Yaw Singapore turned into a nightmare. I had two options; to either drown myself in worry and be depressed that the people I considered dear to my heart were wolves in sheep’s clothing or to fight for what I had built from the ground up and continue to build the legacy I had originally mapped out. By now, you know the direction I took. What am I trying to say? It does not matter what curveballs are thrown your way; Giving up on yourself should never be an option.



    Keeping your head in the game is a phrase that can be substituted with ‘eyes on the prize’. Success is sweet. It is easy to get carried away as an entrepreneur especially when you tasted success as I did as Darren Yaw Singapore. I have found that one of the ways I remain humble is by remembering where my journey began. Despite exceeding the goals initially, I have set new goals for myself and I am always looking for motivation to do better. It is important to have long term goals especially if you aim to acquire generational wealth and build a legacy.

    As always visit GCG official website for latest news on Darren Yaw Singapore and other fashion brands and for official drops and announcements!


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